On Thursday, Sept. 4, Maggie Whalen Misslehorn, Vice President and Executive Creative Director, was named one of the WEEK 25 Women in Leadership. This award recognizes women of who positively impact their family, company and community.

Here are our 25 reasons Maggie deserves this prestigious honor. She:


1. Leaves her creative mark on many community organizations and initiatives

2. Is one of only 3% of creative directors in America who are women

3. Knows how to think outside of the box

4. Makes fun an integral part of the way we work

5. Challenges creatives to push ideas further

6. Is a blast to hang out with in the kitchen

7. Has a passion for Peoria

8. Plays the matchmaker for employees and their pets

9. Has always been politely persistent

10. Finds the best car deals in and out of town

11. Has a fierce devotion to family, including her Simantel family

12. Thinks big picture

13. Always goes the extra mile for clients and enjoys overdelivering

14. Loves IPA’s (never afraid of the hops)

15. Is a great travel companion who befriends strangers

16. Sparks new business

17. Appreciates and takes on the greatest challenges

18. Plays the ringleader in most office pranks (not even new employees are safe)

19. Has an infectious energy when excited about something

20. Finds humor in everything

21. Is extremely proud of her team

22. Builds lasting relationships with clients and employees

23. Impresses us constantly with her skilled storytelling

24. Has stuck with us for 14 years (we can’t get rid of her)

25. We’d miss her greatly if she walked out the door.


Get it? We love Maggie. Next time you run into her, be sure to say congratulations or just buy her an IPA.