In 2012, Holy Family Parish approached Simantel for help with a capital campaign that would:

  1. Retire the parish debt ($775,000), which resulted after a fire, and the subsequent design and construction of a new rectory.
  2. Raise funds for needed church and school improvements.
  3. Begin to lay the groundwork for sustainable giving toward an eventual new building.

To achieve this in a parish in which the socioeconomic makeup of church members—coupled with the current state of the economy—made the goal seem unreachable.

Simantel created a revitalized brand along with simple and emotionally compelling materials delivered at parishioner meetings and presentations. The overall message: stewardship and asking for prayerful consideration of time, talent and treasure.


  • 110 new sign-ups for new ministries.
  • Retired the first note one month ($306,000) prior to April goal
  • 29 families received financial assistance from the Adopt a Student program
  • Met the goal of raising additional funds for major improvements ($100,000)
  • Church and school facility improvements were made later in 2012
  • Raised an additional $167,000 toward final note
  • 75% of the needed funds have been raised; the parish plans to be debt free in 2013

Simantel was invited by Peoria Diocese to speak at the 2012 Conference on Stewardship about our approach and the success of the project.