Interactive content is the new leader. We’ve all heard for years that “content is king” and while we agree content is superior, we also feel it’s time for the “king” to expand his realm and let a new approach take the reins — interactive content.

When you think about it, interactive content is all around us: interactive infographics, calculators, assessments, idea generators, online quizzes, etc. And we may not like to admit it, but we’ve all chosen to use it. We’ve made selections online to find out “which ‘Friends’ character are you?” or “what’s your superhero name?” Some pieces of interactive content just happen to be more memorable than others.

Interactive content can get a bad rap, especially in B2B marketing. Quirky quizzes and fun self-assessments are typically used as entertainment for B2C brands, with the goal of awareness and website traffic in mind. There is a general misconception that something as frivolous as a light-hearted quiz can’t yield business results, but B2B marketers are finding a way to turn this interactive trend into an actual lead generating tactic.

B2B Marketers: It’s Time to Deliver What Audiences Want

The key is to create a tool that is truly valuable to your audience. Think about what your ideal consumer wants to know. Is it how to save money? Is it what they need to do to maximize results? Regardless of the end goal of your user, there is a big opportunity for B2B content creators. If you listen to consumers and understand their journeys, you can begin to understand where the interactive component makes the most sense.

Related: Get to Know Your Customers

The research tells us:

  • According to SnapApp, a key player in the interactive content space, 86% of B2B marketers are using content marketing.
  • A 2014 DemandGen Report found that 91% of buyers are looking for more visual and interactive content.
  • In 2018, it was projected that only 10 to 30% of B2B marketers content would be interactive(DemandGen Report).

Research shows us that as early as 2014, consumers have been looking for interactive content and marketers are still not fully delivering on what consumers want. There’s a gap, which means there’s a significant opportunity for brands to stand out by connecting with consumers in this meaningful way.

Content is one of the most effective ways to notify and supply information to your audience, but so many companies are struggling to get consumers to engage with their content. It doesn’t matter the size of your company; small, mid-market and large companies can all use interactive content to add value and deepen engagement with their audience.

How to Get Started

Now that we need to update our king for the modern world, how do we create interactive content?

It’s important to determine the goal of your interactive content and determine your audience. The stage of a buyer’s journey helps to dictate which type of interactive content will be most effective.

You may automatically think that creating interactive content is complicated and time consuming. And, while it can be, depending on what you’re trying to accomplish there are also companies building platforms to make interactive content easier to build, disperse and report on. Two platforms that we utilize to build interactive content are SnapApp and LiveClicker. When we need fully customizable applications, our in-house development team also creates tailored interactive experiences.

Get Inspired. Check Out Our Examples.


If you are pressed for time and money the examples above may not be realistic, we get that. There are also ways to include interactive features within a standard email — consider the below elements that can enhance your customers experience.

  • A map within an email that displays the closest distributor to the reader’s location based on IP address
  • A countdown timer
  • A video that plays within the email
  • Including social media feeds
  • A carousel or slide of images
  • A poll or survey to gather information
  • An image that reveals a hidden message once clicked or scratched

Regardless of which tool or app you use, it will take some planning. Make sure to give yourself plenty of prep time and consider these three things when planning your online tool.

It’s a Win-Win for B2B Marketers and the Audience

So, what type of results will you see with a new majesty (interactive content) upon the throne?

  1. More conversions: Interactive content creates two to three times more conversions than passive content (Kapost)
  2. More traffic: Interactive content generates four to five times more page views than static content (LinkedIn)
  3. More education: Users ranked interactive content as being 93% more effective at educating the buyer versus static content (Inc)
  4. More enjoyment: 91% of B2B buyers prefer to consume interactive and visual content (DemandGen Report)

When you include interactive content in your strategy, all parties benefit. Brands build credibility and trust, and audiences get the information they need in an engaging way. And most importantly, interactive marketing is less about an immediate conversion and more focused on building an engaging and valuable relationship with the user. It’s all part of the overall experience with a brand.