As a former member of the Forbes Business Council, a networking and knowledge sharing professional organization for owners, founders and executive leaders of small and mid-sized businesses, Simantel owner and principal, Misty Klobucher has shared insights on leadership, company culture and more.

In her article “Moving Beyond Campaigns to Marketing Programs,” published earlier this year, Misty highlights the shift from traditional, short-term marketing campaigns to strategic, long-term marketing programs. While traditional marketing campaigns focus on specific, short-term sales goals, marketing programs address larger business challenges and focus on long-term change.

We’ve found that clients are increasingly seeking long-term partners who understand their larger needs. In fact, it’s what being the agency of andis all about. We love the thrill of digging in to gain a deep understanding of our clients and their business and working with them to solve business problems. Together. That’s why we believe so strongly in a program-focus.

Long-term programs require a lot of hard work and involve strategic alignment of stakeholders, organizational redesign and adaptable marketing plans. But, when executed well, programs unify complex organizations, build brand ambassadors and drive sustained business growth. And that’s a win all the way around.

In her article, Misty outlines key use cases for marketing programs and provides a five-step guide to implementing successful marketing programs, emphasizing the importance of team structure, leadership buy-in, budget planning, offboarding strategies and promoting the program’s value within the organization.

Want to know more? Read the full article on